Sunday, February 7, 2010

Blog Welcome

Hi! Welcome to my Blog. This being my first attempt, I'm a little anxious that my Blog will be of use and enjoyment for any interested visitors. In short I hope it is good, not embarassing.

The main purpose of my blog is to introduce my good friend, Tarsisius, a delightful fellow, who has been elevated, by past glories, to the most honored of all positions which bespeak the Human Condition;that of Story Teller. Exactly who Tarsisius is I dare not reveal. Certain unspeakable events would befall me were I to do so. Suffice it to say Tarsisius has a most ancient knowledge of and intimate relationship with all the Muses.

Tarsisius requests that you peruse this month's offering; a bizarre yet essentially human drama of things that have never been but could be, given the right mix of folly and fate. Invest a little time and pleasure will follow. Time, by the way, is both slave and master, choose wisely. Again, Welcome and enjoy!

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